
Love Heart

Ingredients ( 1 serving):

Love Heart:

  • 1.5cl vodka 

  • 0.5cl Crème de violette

  • 0.75cl strawberry syrup*

  • 12cl prosecco

  • Slice of strawberry

*Strawberry syrup

  • 100g strawberries

  • 1.5dl sugar

  • 1dl water

How to:

Pour all ingredients into a chilled glass. Decorate with a strawberry slice.

*Strawberry syrup

Put everything in a small pot and bring it to a simmer on low heat for 10 minutes.
Add everything into a small pot and bring to a boil. Let it simmer for 10 minutes on medium-low heat. Stir occasionally, then mash the strawberries towards the end with a ladle or potato masher.

Pour the strawberries through a sieve and into a glass bottle/jar. Press out the liquid with a ladle so that you get as much out as possible.

Leave to cool.The strawberry syrup can be stored in the fridge for 1-2 weeks.

Breakfast Martini

Ingredients ( 1 serving):

Breakfast martini:

  • 5 cl Gin

  • 1 barspoon orange marmalade

  • 1.5cl cointreau

  • 1.5cl lemon juice

  • small slice of toast

How to:
Stir marmalade with the gin in the base of the shaker until dissolved. Add the other ingredients and shake with ice. Strain into a chilled martini glass and garnish with a small toast.

Orange Wine

Ingredients ( 4 servings):

Orange Wine:

  • 3 dl freshly squeezed orange 

  • 1.5 dl pineapple juice, chilled

  • 1/2 teaspoon orange bitters, such as Angostura

  • 2.5 dl ginger beer, chilled

  • 2dl ice

How to:

Add all the ingredients into a 8-10dl big pitcher. Mix with a bar spoon and then serve in large wine glasses.

Black and White Milkshake

Ingredients (1serving):


  • 1 dl whole milk

  • 175g vanilla ice cream

  • 1 heaping tbsp chocolate sauce +  more for decorating

  • (If boozy: 4cl bourbon)

How to:


Mix everything in a blender. Add a little bit of chocolate sauce onto the inner part of the milkshake glass before pouring in the liquid. Enjoy!

Mint Jayleps (Mint Juleps)

Ingredients (1):

Mint Jayleps:

  • 8 mint leaves

  • 2 tsp simple syrup

  • 6 cl bourbon

  • Garnish: mint sprig

  • Garnish: Angostura bitters

  • crushed ice

How to:


In a Julep cup or rocks glass, lightly muddle the mint leaves in the simple syrup.

Add the bourbon then pack the glass tightly with crushed ice. Stir until the cup is frosted on the outside.

Top with more crushed ice to form an ice dome, and garnish with a mint sprig and a few drops of bitters.

Pink Lemonade


Ingredients (4):

Pink Lemonade:

  • 16 cl lemon vodka (can be skipped)

  • 2 dl sugar

  • 5 dl water

  • 2.5 dl freshly squeezed lemon juice

  • 1.5 dl cranberry juice

  • ice

  • lemon slices

How to:

Pink Lemonade:

Squeeze out your lemons and add the juice to your bottle/pitcher.

Warm the water in a pot and add the sugar, mix until it has dissolved. Let the mixture cool down before adding this to the pitcher as well. Lastly add vodka and cranberry juice and mix, if you want it less sour add more water or cranberry juice. 

Fill the glasses with ice and add a slice of lemon to each before serving the drink. Enjoy!



Ingredients (1):


  • 5 cl vodka

  • 1 cl dry vermouth

  • 1 cl maple syrup

  • 1 cinnamon stick

  • orange peel

  • ice

How to:


In a martini glass add a cinnamon stick and an orange peel. Put ice in a shaker, add vodka and vermouth and shake until ice cold. Pour into a martini glass then top it off with the maple syrup. 

Miss Patty’s founders day punch


Ingredients (1):

Tea & Oleo(1dl):

  • peel of 1 lemon

  • 50 g sugar

  • 1 dl strongly brewed English breakfast tea (brewed for about 5 minutes)


  • 9 cl Tea & Oleo

  • 2 cl Lemon Juice

  • 3 cl Ruby Port Wine

  • 3 cl Batavia Arrack (I used Havana club rum)

  • 6 cl Whole Milk

**This recipe is from Greg from How To Drink on youtube.


How to:

Tea & Oleo:

Peel the lemon entirely (as little white as possible) into a bowl, add the sugar and muddle everything together. Add the strongly brewed tea and stir till sugar is dissolved, remove peels from Tea & Oleo.


Use two glasses/containers here. Add milk into the first one and the tea & oleo, lemon juice, port wine and rum into the second one. Now pour the rum mixture into the milk and it will slowly curdle (which is what it’s supposed to do!). Then pour it through a nut milk bag/cheesecloth and back into the other glass/container. Serve it as is or with ice. :)

Hong Kong: Red Bean Ice



Red Bean Ice:

  • 150 g red beans

  • 75 g sugar 

  • 4 dl water

  • Evaporated milk (NOT sweet condensed!!)

  • ice

How to:

Rinse the red beans, then let them soak overnight in plenty of water.

The next day, rinse the beans again and add them to a medium pot. Add the water and bring to boil, then on medium/low heat simmer with lid on for 30 minutes. Add sugar and cook for another 15-30 minutes. You want the beans to still hold their shapes but be easy to squish. 

Let it cool and refrigerate it.

Once it is cooled, fill your serving glass  ⅓  with the beans. Fill the rest of the glass with ice. Pour water over it until there is only 2 cm left, then add evaporated milk. Serve with straw and spoon! :)

Yuzu Lady


Ingredients ( 1 serving):

Yuzu Lady:

  • 3cl Organic summer spirit, (Spirit of Hven)

  • 2cl Gin (Nordés)*

  • 3cl fresh lemon juice

  • 3cl Simple syrup

  • 3 dashes Rabarber Bitters, (Fee Brothers)**

  • 1,5 Barspoon Yuzupuree

  • slice of dried yuzu or lemon

    *You can use any type of gin, but Nordéns has a nice floral taste that is perfect for this drink!

    **I used 3 dashes of angostura bitters instead

How to:

Add ice to a shaker and add all the ingredients. Shake until ice cold.  Pour into a sours glass and garnish with a slice of yuzu or lemon.

A bartender at one of my favorite bars in Gothenburg created this drink.

(John Söderberg, Steampunk bar in Gothenburg.)


The Holiday: Hot Chocolate


Ingredients ( 1 serving):

Hot chocolate:

  • 2 cl whiskey

  • 2 cl chocolate liquor

  • 1.5 tsp cacao powder

  • 2 tsp sugar

  • 2.5 dl milk

  • 0.25 tsp vanilla extract

  • 5 minimarshmallows

How to:

Combine the milk, cocoa, sugar, salt, and vanilla in a saucepan.

Heat until steaming hot, then remove from heat and stir in the liquors. Pour the hot chocolate into a mug and top with 5 mini marshmallows.

Saffron Gin & Tonic


Ingredients ( 1 serving):

Gin & Tonic:

  • 5cl saffron gin*

  • pinch of saffron powder

  • tonic

  • orange peel

  • coffee beans

  • 1 cinnamon stick

  • cardamom seeds

How to:

Fill a large wine glass or gin&tonic glass with ice. Add the spices, then pour in the gin and top it off with the amount of tonic you like.

*Safron gin:

Add a pinch of saffron powder to a teabag and let it soak in 1 dl gin for 1-2 hours. Taste it after an hour to make sure it’s not to strong tasting.

Chicha Morada


Ingredients ( 4 liters):

Chicha Morado:

  • 4 liter water

  • 450g Peruvian purple corn

  • 1 pineapple 

  • 2 granny smith apples

  • 0.5 tbsp cloves

  • 4 cinnamon sticks

  • 2 limes

  • 2 dl sugar

  • 2-4 cl Pisco/glass (optional)

How to:

Add 4 liters of water to a large pot.

Rinse the pineapple because you are going to use almost all parts of it except for the spikey head and bottom. So remove the head and the bottom. Then cut off the rind, quarter the pineapple and cut off the core (the taugher part) and put both the rind and core into the pot. Dice up the rest of the pineapple and freeze until ready to serve.

Quarter one apple and remove the core and stem, put that in the large pot as well. Dice up the other one just like the pineapple pieces and freeze.

Add the corn to the water (this is what will give that nice purple color to the drink). Finally add all the spices, cloves, cinnamon sticks. Bring it to a simmer and let simmer for 30 minutes with lid on and 15 minutes without. 

When the time is up, strain it to another pot. While it’s still hot add the juice of the limes and the sugar and mix until sugar is nicely dissolved. Let it cool down and put it in the fridge to make it completely cold. 

How to serve: Add some frozen fruit and ice to a glass, if you make it alcoholic then this is the time to add the pisco and lastly pour the cold liquid on top.  Enjoy! :) 

Lilac Gin Sour


Ingredients (1 serving):

Lilac Sour:

  • 4 cl gin

  • 3 cl lilac syrup

  • 3 cl lemon juice

  • 1 egg white

  • 2 dashes angostura bitters

Lilac syrup:

  • 20 Lilac flower clusters

  • 1 liter water

  • 1 kg sugar

  • 0.5 st lemon

  • 1 tbsp citric acid

How to:

Lilac Sour:

Add gin, syrup, lemon and egg white to a shaker and dry shake for 15 seconds. Then add some ice and shake again til cold. Strain into sour glass or martini glass and decorate with a lilac flower or leave it as it is. 

Lilac syrup:

Start by shaking the flower clusters so that any bugs that might have been inside fall out. Plock off the purple flowers and put them into a fine sieve. Make sure to remove any greens because they taste bitter. 

Wash the flowers and the lemon. Slice the lemon and put all of them in a medium saucepan.

In a different saucepan mix sugar and water and bring to a boil. Add the citric acid and mix. Then pour the hot sugar mixture over the flowers and lemon. Put a lid on it and leave it in the fridge for 3 days. 

After that pour the liquid into a clean bottle through a fine sieve. :)  You can also freeze it, but fill only to ¾ of the container because it will expand. 

*To make juice: dilute 1 part syrup to 4 parts water.

Boozy Strawberry Boba Milk Tea


Ingredients (2 servings):

  • 4 dl milk

  • 1 dl tapioca pearls

  • 1 tbsp brown sugar

  • 8 cl strawberry vodka

  • 2 tbsp strawberry syrup

How to:


Add 5 dl of water to a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Add boba and quickly stir until the boba are all floating at the surface.Decrease the heat to medium and cook for 3 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, and let sit for another 3 minutes.

Strain the boba under cold water for 20 seconds, then transfer into a bowl with the brown sugar. Mix and let it rest there until ready to serve. Use within 5-10 minutes while fresh, or keep them inside the syrup and refrigerate.


Spoon the boba to bottom of a tall glass. Add the vodka, strawberry syrup and milk to a shaker. Fill the shaker halfway with ice and vigorously shake until ice cold. Strain into the glass over the boba. Add some new ice and a wide mouth straw, and serve!



Ingredients (1 serving):

  • 2 kiwi (peeled)

  • 4 tsp sugar

  • 5 cl vodka

  • 0.5 lime

  • crushed ice

How to:

In a shaker muddle kiwi and sugar together until a pulp has formed. Then add about 1 dl of crushed  ice and the vodka and stir.

Pour into a rocks glass and decorate with a slice of kiwi.