
Boozy Strawberry Boba Milk Tea


Ingredients (2 servings):

  • 4 dl milk

  • 1 dl tapioca pearls

  • 1 tbsp brown sugar

  • 8 cl strawberry vodka

  • 2 tbsp strawberry syrup

How to:


Add 5 dl of water to a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Add boba and quickly stir until the boba are all floating at the surface.Decrease the heat to medium and cook for 3 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, and let sit for another 3 minutes.

Strain the boba under cold water for 20 seconds, then transfer into a bowl with the brown sugar. Mix and let it rest there until ready to serve. Use within 5-10 minutes while fresh, or keep them inside the syrup and refrigerate.


Spoon the boba to bottom of a tall glass. Add the vodka, strawberry syrup and milk to a shaker. Fill the shaker halfway with ice and vigorously shake until ice cold. Strain into the glass over the boba. Add some new ice and a wide mouth straw, and serve!