
Miss Patty’s founders day punch


Ingredients (1):

Tea & Oleo(1dl):

  • peel of 1 lemon

  • 50 g sugar

  • 1 dl strongly brewed English breakfast tea (brewed for about 5 minutes)


  • 9 cl Tea & Oleo

  • 2 cl Lemon Juice

  • 3 cl Ruby Port Wine

  • 3 cl Batavia Arrack (I used Havana club rum)

  • 6 cl Whole Milk

**This recipe is from Greg from How To Drink on youtube.

How to:

Tea & Oleo:

Peel the lemon entirely (as little white as possible) into a bowl, add the sugar and muddle everything together. Add the strongly brewed tea and stir till sugar is dissolved, remove peels from Tea & Oleo.


Use two glasses/containers here. Add milk into the first one and the tea & oleo, lemon juice, port wine and rum into the second one. Now pour the rum mixture into the milk and it will slowly curdle (which is what it’s supposed to do!). Then pour it through a nut milk bag/cheesecloth and back into the other glass/container. Serve it as is or with ice. :)

Hakuna matata


Ingredients (1 serving):

  • 4 cl Dark Rum

  • 2 cl Cointreau

  • 4 cl Orange juice

  • 4 cl Pineapple juice

  • 2 cl Coconut milk

  • Ice

  • Pineapple leaves

  • orange slices

How to:

Pour  a bunch of ice into a tulip glass. Add all the ingredients into an ice filled shaker and shake until cold. Pour the mixture into the glass, no need to strain.

Decorate with 3 pineapple leaves and a slice of orange.

The one with the tiki death punch


Ingredients (1 serving):


  • 2cl dark rum

  • 2cl white rum

  • 3cl strawberry puré*

  • 6cl pineapple juice

  • 1/2 lime juice


  • 300g frozen strawberry

  • 1tbsp sugar

How to:


Add all the ingredians into an ice filled shaker, shake until cool and serve in a rocks glass with ice.


Heat the strawberry with the sugar and cook it until it reduces and has a puré type of consistency.