
Miss Patty’s founders day punch


Ingredients (1):

Tea & Oleo(1dl):

  • peel of 1 lemon

  • 50 g sugar

  • 1 dl strongly brewed English breakfast tea (brewed for about 5 minutes)


  • 9 cl Tea & Oleo

  • 2 cl Lemon Juice

  • 3 cl Ruby Port Wine

  • 3 cl Batavia Arrack (I used Havana club rum)

  • 6 cl Whole Milk

**This recipe is from Greg from How To Drink on youtube.


How to:

Tea & Oleo:

Peel the lemon entirely (as little white as possible) into a bowl, add the sugar and muddle everything together. Add the strongly brewed tea and stir till sugar is dissolved, remove peels from Tea & Oleo.


Use two glasses/containers here. Add milk into the first one and the tea & oleo, lemon juice, port wine and rum into the second one. Now pour the rum mixture into the milk and it will slowly curdle (which is what it’s supposed to do!). Then pour it through a nut milk bag/cheesecloth and back into the other glass/container. Serve it as is or with ice. :)

Tea Sandwiches

  • Ingredients (4 servings):

    This is not really a recipe but more like instructions.

  • 8 bread slices

  • 4 tbsp hummus

  • 1 red onion (thinly sliced)

  • 1 tomato (thinly sliced)

  • 0.5 tbsp sugar

  • cream cheese (use vegan if you want)

  • 0.5 cucumber

  • 0.5 tsp of salt

How to:

Hummus one:

Saute the onion in some oil and add sugar to caramelize it and the let it cool down in the fridge. 

Either make your own hummus or use a store bought one. Take 2 slice of bread and spread a generous amount of hummus one them. Add the caramelized onion and and a few slices of tomato and put the two slices together. 

Cut of the crusts making it into a square and then cut the sandwich in diagonally turning them into triangles. 

Cream cheese one:

Slice the cucumber with a mandolin or a swedish cheese slicer. Add salt and let i rest for about 5 minutes. Then remove all the moisture with paper towels. Spread a good amount of cream cheese on 2 slices of bread and add the cucumber in the middle. Cut off the crusts and then cut the sandwich in the middle turning the square into 2 rectangles. 

Make sure that everyone gets half a sandwich of both types.