
Breakfast Martini

Ingredients ( 1 serving):

Breakfast martini:

  • 5 cl Gin

  • 1 barspoon orange marmalade

  • 1.5cl cointreau

  • 1.5cl lemon juice

  • small slice of toast

How to:
Stir marmalade with the gin in the base of the shaker until dissolved. Add the other ingredients and shake with ice. Strain into a chilled martini glass and garnish with a small toast.

Yuzu Lady


Ingredients ( 1 serving):

Yuzu Lady:

  • 3cl Organic summer spirit, (Spirit of Hven)

  • 2cl Gin (Nordés)*

  • 3cl fresh lemon juice

  • 3cl Simple syrup

  • 3 dashes Rabarber Bitters, (Fee Brothers)**

  • 1,5 Barspoon Yuzupuree

  • slice of dried yuzu or lemon

    *You can use any type of gin, but Nordéns has a nice floral taste that is perfect for this drink!

    **I used 3 dashes of angostura bitters instead

How to:

Add ice to a shaker and add all the ingredients. Shake until ice cold.  Pour into a sours glass and garnish with a slice of yuzu or lemon.

A bartender at one of my favorite bars in Gothenburg created this drink.

(John Söderberg, Steampunk bar in Gothenburg.)

Saffron Gin & Tonic


Ingredients ( 1 serving):

Gin & Tonic:

  • 5cl saffron gin*

  • pinch of saffron powder

  • tonic

  • orange peel

  • coffee beans

  • 1 cinnamon stick

  • cardamom seeds

How to:

Fill a large wine glass or gin&tonic glass with ice. Add the spices, then pour in the gin and top it off with the amount of tonic you like.

*Safron gin:

Add a pinch of saffron powder to a teabag and let it soak in 1 dl gin for 1-2 hours. Taste it after an hour to make sure it’s not to strong tasting.

Lilac Gin Sour


Ingredients (1 serving):

Lilac Sour:

  • 4 cl gin

  • 3 cl lilac syrup

  • 3 cl lemon juice

  • 1 egg white

  • 2 dashes angostura bitters

Lilac syrup:

  • 20 Lilac flower clusters

  • 1 liter water

  • 1 kg sugar

  • 0.5 st lemon

  • 1 tbsp citric acid

How to:

Lilac Sour:

Add gin, syrup, lemon and egg white to a shaker and dry shake for 15 seconds. Then add some ice and shake again til cold. Strain into sour glass or martini glass and decorate with a lilac flower or leave it as it is. 

Lilac syrup:

Start by shaking the flower clusters so that any bugs that might have been inside fall out. Plock off the purple flowers and put them into a fine sieve. Make sure to remove any greens because they taste bitter. 

Wash the flowers and the lemon. Slice the lemon and put all of them in a medium saucepan.

In a different saucepan mix sugar and water and bring to a boil. Add the citric acid and mix. Then pour the hot sugar mixture over the flowers and lemon. Put a lid on it and leave it in the fridge for 3 days. 

After that pour the liquid into a clean bottle through a fine sieve. :)  You can also freeze it, but fill only to ¾ of the container because it will expand. 

*To make juice: dilute 1 part syrup to 4 parts water.

The Green Elevator (Gröna hissen)


Ingredients (1 serving):

  • 4 cl Gin

  • 2 cl Blue curacao

  • Pommac

  • 2 raisins

How to:

Add ice to a highball glass, then add the gin, curacao, raisins and lastly the pommac. 

*So what makes this an elevator you ask? Well, the carbon dioxide released from the fizzy Pommac gathers around the raisins so that they float to the top. But when they hit the top, the carbon dioxide disappears and the raisins sink again. This process repeats itself until there is no carbonation left in the drink.

Earl Grey French 75


Ingredients (4 servings):


  • 1 dl earl grey infused gin

  • 4 cl lemon juice

  • 4 cl honey syrup

  • prosecco

How to:

Earl grey infused gin (2dl): Put 2 bags of Earl grey in 2 dl Gin and let it soak for 1 hour.

Honey syrup (2dl): Add 1 dl water to 1 dl honey and heat it up in a pot until the honey dissolves. 

Cocktail: Add the infused gin, lemon juice and honey syrup and ice into a shaker and shake until cold. Devid the drink amongst 4 champagne glasses. Top up the glasses with chilled prosecco.