The fifth pancke

Amount (3):


  • 2 large eggs 

  • 1,5 tbsp whole milk

  • 0,25 tsp vanilla extract

  • 0,5dl cake flour

  • 0,5 tsp baking powder

  • 2 tbsp sugar

  • 1 tbsp neutral-flavored oil (vegetable, rice bran, canola, etc.) (for greasing the pan)

  • 2 tbsp water (for steaming)

The original recipe:

How to:

Separate the egg whites and egg yolks into two different bowls. Put the bowl with the egg whites in the freezer for 15 minutes.

In the meantime, add the milk and vanilla to the egg yolks and whisk until thick and frothy. Sift the cake flour and baking powder into the bowl.Whisk to combine thoroughly (do not overmix) and set aside.

After 15 minutes, take out the bowl with the egg whites from the freezer. The egg whites should be half frozen. Now, start beating the egg whites with a hand mixer.

When the egg whites turn frothy and pale white, gradually add in the sugar (roughly one-third at a time). Continue to whip the egg whites. The egg whites will become glossy and firm. Stop beating when you lift up the hand mixer and the egg whites stand straight up but the tip of the peak curls over onto itself. 

Heat a large non-stick frying pan to 150ºC over the lowest heat. Brush with cooking oil and lightly remove any visible oil with a paper towel (otherwise the pancakes will have a spotty pattern). Keep the pan on low heat while you combine the egg whites and egg yolk mixture in the next step.

Take one-third of the egg whites and add to the egg yolk mixture. Whisk together (don’t worry too much about breaking air bubbles at this point).

Next, take half of the remaining egg whites and add to the egg yolk mixture. Using a whisk, gently fold them in without breaking the air bubbles in the egg whites. 

Now, transfer the egg yolk mixture back into the remaining egg whites. Carefully fold the two mixtures together without breaking any air bubbles. Make sure to mix the batter very gently until the ingredients are thoroughly combined.

Keep your frying pan heated 150 ºC at all times over low heat. Remember, each pancake gets roughly 4 small scoops (1 scoop = 2-3 tbsp) of batter, and you will be making three pancakes. For the first pancake, place one scoop of batter and make a tall mound in the frying pan. Next, stack one more scoop of batter onto the first scoop already in the pan. Repeat for the next two pancakes, giving each pancake two scoops of batter.

By the time all three pancakes have two scoops, the surface of the batter is slightly dry already. At this point, you can mound one more scoop on top of each pancake, keeping the batter piled up high. In the bowl, you should still have roughly three scoops left (if you have slightly more, that’s okay).

Set the timer for 6-7 minutes, add 1 Tbsp water in three empty spaces inside the pan, and cover with a lid. The steam from the water keeps the pancakes moist while they cook. (Please note: The suggested time is just a guideline; how long you will cook the pancakes is based on the temperature of your frying pan.)

After 2 minutes have passed, open the lid, and add one final scoop for each pancake. Make sure to stack the batter high, not wide. If the water has evaporated, add a little bit more. Cover with the lid and cook.

After 6-7 minutes have passed, lift the pancake VERY GENTLY using an offset spatula. If the pancake is stuck, don’t touch it until it firms up a little. If you force it, the pancake will crack in the middle. When the pancake is ready, you can easily move the pancake.

Add more water to the empty spaces in the pan and set the timer for 5-7 minutes to cook the other side on the lowest heat setting.

Once they are nicely browned, transfer the pancakes to your serving plates. 

Serve with maple syrup.