
ingredients (4 servings):


  • 500g minced lamb

  • 1 dl lavis (bread crumbs)

  • 1 egg

  • 1 clove of garlic (grated)

  • 1 tsp rosemary

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 0.5 tsp pepper

Fried flatbread:

  • 200g flour

  • 0.25 tsp salt

  • 1dl water

  • 2 tbsp olive oil

  • Oil for cooking

  • 2dl of your favorite gravy


Mix all the ingredients in a medium sized bowl. Dempen your hands and start making small meatballs. Fry in a frying pan nicely with a lot of butter.

Fried flatbread:

Place the flour and salt in a medium bowl and pour the water in, little by little. Mix the water and flour mixture together. Add the oil and knead the dough – you are aiming for a soft dough. If it is too sticky, add a little more flour or if it is too dry, add a splash of water. Knead the dough for 5 minutes.

On a clean surface, roll each ball of dough one at a time using a rolling pin. If you pick up and move round the flatbread often you know it hasn’t stuck. 

Heat a large frying pan. Take a sheet of kitchen paper and rub a little oil onto the surface of the pan. Cook each flatbread for about 2 minutes on one side – it should puff up a little. Flip the flatbread over using tongs and then cook for a couple of minutes on the other side. The flatbread should have turned lighter in color and may have a few spots of brown. Keep the cooked flatbreads warm, wrapped in foil or a clean tea towel, until the others are cooked.


Take a flatbread, add about 4 meatballs and pour over some gravy. Then fold it into a wrap or a burrito and enjoy. :)