Rainbow Crepe Cake


ingredients (8-10 servings):


  • 4 eggs

  • 8dl milk

  • 3 ¼dl flour

  • ½ tsp salt

  • 4 tbsp butter

  • food coloring: purple, blue, green, yellow, orange & red

  • 1 l whipping cream

Strawberry syrup:

  • 4dl strawberries

  • 2dl sugar

  • 4 dl water

How to:


Mix flour, salt and half the milk til it’s smooth and have no lumps. Add rest of the milk and eggs. Pour into 6 different containers (2dl/container) and add the food colorings of your choice. In a frying pan cook all the crepes (I did 0.5 dl a piece). So the end result was 4 of each color and a total of 24 crepes. 

In a large bowl whip the whipping cream until firm (but not too firm).

Put the first crepe on  plate and add a heaping spoonful of whipped cream, smooth it out and add the next layer until you have no crepes left. 

Decorate with strawberry syrup.

Strawberry syrup:

Add sugar, strawberries and water to a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil for about 20 minutes. Mixture will reduce and thicken slightly. Using a fine sieve or mesh strainer, strain the mixture into a small bottle.