Artemis and Luna pana cotta


Ingredients (4 servings):

Panna cotta::

  • 1 dl Dansukker Jelly Sugar Multi

  • 4 dl heavy cream

  • 0,5 dl blueberries

  • 1 tsp vanilla

How to:

Vanilla: Blend half the jelly sugar with half the heavy cream and the vanilla and heat it up in a saucepan, let it cook for 30 seconds. Then pour it into 4 small cylinder shaped containers

Blueberry: Blend the rest of the jelly sugar. heavy cream and the blueberries and try to smash the berries as much as possible, then cook for same amount of time. Pour into the 4 small cylinder containers through a strainer.

Let it sit in the fridge for at least 2hours.