turkish delight

Turkish delight


Ingredients (1 tray) :

Sugar syrup

  • 9 dl white granulated sugar

  • 3.75 dl water

  • juice of 0.5 lemon

Thickening paste

  • 3 dl cornstarch

  • 1tsp cream of tartar

  • 2.5 dl cold water

Hot water for paste

  • 5 dl water

  • 1 dl pomegranate concentrate


  • 0.75 dl cornstarch

  • 0.25 dl icing sugar, plus extra for dusting surfaces 


  • 1 A4 size foil tray

  • Sunflower oil for the tray

  • parchment paper

How to:

Turkish Delight:

In a small pot, cook the sugar, lemon juice and 2.5 dl water on a medium heat while stirring until the sugar dissolves.Increase the heat and bring to a boil. Boil until the sugar syrup reaches soft ball' stage (115C). Set aside.

In a medium pot, dissolve the cornflour with the cream of tartar in 2.5 dl cold water.

In a kettle, bring the last 5 dl of water to boil. Gradually pour the boiling water into the medium pot of cornflour mixture, whisking all the time until thick and lump free.

Pour the hot sugar syrup in stages into the cornflour mixture as well, whisking very well. Scrape down the sides with a spatula. Mix well until smooth and lump free.

Cook the Turkish delight mixture on a low heat for an hour. It is important to whisk it at regular intervals.

When the mixture is cooked, add in the pomegranate concentrate and mix well.

Lightly oil a foil tray with a little sunflower oil and pour the mixture in. Smooth out the surface and leave to set for 12 hours.

Mix the last bit of cornflour with the icing sugar for dusting the surfaces.

Dust a large piece of parchment paper with icing sugar and turn the Turkish delight onto it. Dust a large knife with icing sugar and cut the Turkish delight into blocks.

Sprinkle over the cornflour icing sugar mixture and store in an airtight container.