
Cheese Biscuits (Västerbottensost-Pogácsa)


ingredients (35 pieces):

  • 35 g yeast (fresh)

  • 1 dl milk (37C)

  • 180g butter

  • 420g flour

  • 1,5 tsp salt

  • 1 egg

  • 100g creme fraiche

  • 100g västerbotten cheese

  • 1 egg (to brush on top)

How to:

Blend the yeast with the milk until the yeast has dissolved. In a different container mix the butter with the flour to a crumbly consistency.

Then add the salt, egg, creme fraiche and the milk-yeast blend. Knead the dough for about 15 minutes and let it rest for 30 minutes under a towel.

Flour the working table and roll the dough out to a big square, then spread ⅔ of the cheese on it. Now mark out the dough into 3 parts horizontally. Fold the closest part to you over the second one, then take the top part and fold it over it all. Do the same thing vertically (the sides). Let it rest for 30 minutes.

Do this 2 more times (roll out, fold horizontally and vertically and rest 30 minutes).

Turn you oven on 200C

Roll out the dough again to 1,5 cm thickness and cut into 35 squares. Places the squares on a baking sheet with 1 cm room between each piece. Wash with egg wash and pour the rest of the cheese on top. Put in the oven for 15-20 minutes, enjoy!